WHAT WE DOFoundations & Slopes

Foundations & Slopes

The selection of cost-effective and suitable types of foundations relevant to the ground is important for super-structures
which are to be constructed such as high-rise buildings and bridges etc. Foundation design needs to be determined on
the basis of correct engineering parameters obtained from the particular foundation and type of ground.

ESCO’s engineers have accumulated experience on a variety of foundation designs and are able to suggest the best solutions
on a case by case
basis depending on the particular concerns for the foundations under investigation.

Bridge Foundations

A schematic layout shown above depicts the type of bridge foundation. ESCO’s engineers have particular experience in foundation
design works to provide the most suitable type of foundation for any given combination of loads and ground conditions.

Earth or Rock Retaining Structures

The installation of earth or rock retaining structures is unavoidable where the safe excavation of soils or rocks for foundation
footprints is required at any given level. In particular, existing structures need to be protected safely from any harmful ground deformation which could occur due to the excavation activities taking place adjacent to or surrounding areas. ESCO engineers can
assess all possible factors producing negative impacts while constructing foundations and thus capable to provide cost-effective foundation types and retaining structures.


Cut slopes and embankment slopes are frequently encountered during the construction of urban or rural infrastructure.
Each slope needs to be constructed in an eco-friendly manner and ensure the long term stability under any possible climate condition. ESCO can also provide slope stability analyses and slope protection methods for different types of projects.